From the Idaho Health and Welfare Application for Benefits:

Do I Have to Be a Citizen?

No. Please do not let fear of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) keep you from seeking needed benefits for your family. Receiving health coverage, Food Stamps, and child care for your eligible children will not prevent you from gaining lawful, permanent residence or U.S. citizenship, or from sponsoring relatives, if you can support them....

Friday, June 30, 2006

Lunsford confession

All while I was growing up I really wanted to be a lawyer.  I thought this was one of the most helpful and wonderful careers a person could have.  I wanted to be a criminal defense attorney.  I wanted to save all the people who were being wronged by our justice system.   Then I discovered it didn't work that way.  There was a downside. 
Here is part of the downside.  John Evander Couey confessed to killing Jessica Marie Lunsford age 9.  His defense attorneys are trying to get the confession thrown out. 
I couldn't do that.  Why is our justice system built this way?  Originally I'm sure it was all for very good reason.  Now, it is just twisted and wrong the way these laws are used and abused. 
If someone confesses to a killing and as in this case even goes so far as to tell the police where to find the body.  That should be good enough!  At that point you shouldn't even need to waste money on a trial.  Straight to the judge for sentencing. 
Read this news article and pay particular attention to the very first paragraph about how Jessicas body was found and think about what that little girl went through.  Then come back and tell me I'm wrong:  Lunsford confession Ruling


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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Parenting and society

I was just listening to the news and now the media is all upset that a major coffee chain will start offering fruit drinks.  The fruit drinks don't contain any caffeine.  This is a problem?  Well the problem seems to be that this coffee chain is trying to create "cradle to grave" customer loyalty.  Well duh!  The coffee chain won't admit to this strategy.  Oh give me a break!  So if I open a little mom and pop store and offer everything from candy to beer Im doing something wrong?
The flip side of the coin is that maybe everyone is worried we will be raising a generation of caffeine addicts and the coffee chain is doing the same thing that the big tobacco companies did. 
Okay here is where I chime in.  At what point did parents quit taking blame for these things?  Why is it the fast food joints problem that parents don't cook healthy meals anymore?  Why is it the coffee chains fault if kids are addicted to caffeine?  Why is it the tobacco companies fault that a kid starts smoking?
It's just crazy.  If a parent doesn't want their kid to be overweight they don't take them to eat at fast food places three times a week.  If they don't want them smoking they talk to them and lecture them and supervise them until they hate us.  If we don't want them being addicted to caffeine we limit their intake. 
It's no wonder some parents are so lax these days.  We always have someone else to blame. 

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Black Budget

I first heard about the "black budget" last night while listening to a radio show.  I only caught parts and pieces but it was interesting enough that I decided to look into it some more today.  Turns out that it's pretty old news but no one has ever done anything about it. 
It is fascinating enough that I wanted to share it with you and find out what you think.  Is it true or just rumor and speculation?

December 8, 2004

They've Got a Secret

Inside the $40 Billion Black Budget for Spying


Various news media have been bandying around the figure $25 billion to characterize the size of the U.S. intelligence budget while reporting on the tempest in a teacup concerning the reorganizing the upper hierarchy of control over that vast spy apparatus.

Read the the whole and complete article here




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Monday, June 26, 2006

Politics and the War

Why does it all  have to be about politics.  I understand and support that we needed to go to war in Iraq.  From the first day Bush was elected I predicted we would be back in Iraq to finish what his dad didn't do.  I was actually surprised that it took so long for him to find an excuse to go back!
So now there we are.  Everyone wants the troops to come home.  Is that wise?  Is our President keeping the troops there for a good reason or is it all political.  The answer depends on who you ask and who you are willing to listen to.  Personally I can see both sides.  If we pull out our troops before everything is said and done we would probably be making a mistake.  So at what point it is all said and done?  Once Iraq can defend their own country would be a good answer.  Well some people say we are already there.  If that is the case then why aren't we leaving?  Politics.
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Friday, June 23, 2006

Invasion of Privacy?

So President Bush has a secret program to track money and find where financial support for terrorists is coming and going?  So what?  Some people see it as an invasion of privacy.  The same for monitoring phone calls right after 9-11. 
An invasion of privacy?  I just don't get it.  What are people so afraid of?  What do you have to hide that you don't want your phone calls and financial data monitored? 
Personally I don't think my money or phone calls would raise enough questions to be monitored.   I want to know where terrorist money is coming from and if someone in my country is supporting them.  I want to know if someone is talking about blowing up my city or any other city in the U.S.
Normally I don't support much that Bush proposes but in this case... snoop away!
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sex Offenders

Here is one of my big pet peeves.  Sex offenders.   I was just reading an article that an appeals court overruled a judges decision to require a sex offender to subject himself to periodic monitoring to see how he responds to erotic images if he wants out of prison.

Why do we keep letting sex offenders out of prison and then give them minimal monitoring.  Sex offenders have a very high rate of recidivism.  How enraged are we as a society when we find out a sex offender has been let out of prison and then killed someone?  Look at the Shasta Groene case.    Shasta and her brother and their family could have been spared the rapes and deaths if their victimizer had been kept in prison.  I realize our prison system is overfull and bursting at the seams but we really have to look at the big picture.  We have a ton of people in prison for offenses like driving without insurance, drugs, etc.  So we let the violent sex offenders out and keep the people in who are driving without insurance?  There has to be a better way. 

Now people are going to screw up that is just the way we are.  BUT we need to be stricter about some things.  One violent sex offense and you are out.  Not three strikes, ONE.   If those are the rules and someone is still willing to take that be it.

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Friday, June 16, 2006

Zarqawi document


Its definately nice to see that we are doing good and making progress!  Thanks To Steve Schippert for this great article!

Zarqawi Document Reveals Ba'athist - al-Qaeda 'Strategic Relationship'

The Standing and Performance of MNSTC-I-Trained Iraqi National Guard Cited as Their Collective Downfall

By Steve Schippert

The Iraqi government has released information regarding a letter from a leader of the Ba’athist insurgency to al-Zarqawi that was recovered from the blast area where al-Zarqawi was killed. The Kuwait News Agency was provided a copy of the text, which revealed the “strategic relationship” between the Ba’athist insurgency and al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Read the full article here:

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

English Please!

I just had to bring attention to this article.  It focuses on something that has been bugging me for awhile.  Well every since I heard they were talking about making English our national language.  Well duh!  Here is someone actually doing something about it!  Yeah~
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Bush forced to set a budget a war

All I can say is everyone should flock to read this one!  It's about time!
If we all ran our household budgets the way Bush runs our Countries can you imagine the trouble we would all be in?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Wednesday to force President George W. Bush to submit a budget for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars instead of financing them in emergency bills that are pushed through Congress with minimal scrutiny.



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Nanny sues manfucturer of recording device

Well this is interesting. A Nanny who was convicted and spent time in prison because of a videotape police watched is now suing the recording systems manufacturer!
The part in this that disturbs me is the reporting that she is upset the tape was time lapsed and she may not have been shaking the baby as violently as thought. Well if she was shaking the baby at all that is reason for concern.
News Article, click here


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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Iraqi dolls

This is a little different but has to be brought up.  While I was working the other day I had the news playing in the background.  I heard talk about a doll manufacturer who had jumped right on the bandwagon after the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and built a special doll.  Now I didn't catch enough of it to know if this doll was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or based on someone else and that part doesn't really matter.  What mattered was that this doll was horrid!  It was a two sided doll.  One side was normal and the other side depicted the character after death, blood, brains, gore and all.  It was pretty disgusting. 
Now hopefully anyone buying this doll is just buying it for themselves and locking it away for safekeeping or investment purposes. 
What I don't get, and what applies to this blog is the fact that people aren't in an uproar over the doll.  There has been so much talk this past decade or two about protecting our kids from these types of images.  We aren't supposed to buy toy guns even though kids have played cops and robbers and cowboys and indians forever.  Now suddenly guns are a bad toy.  We shouldn't buy army action figures because it promotes violence, we shouldn't encourage or let them watch wrestling.  We don't even know which movies they should be allowed to watch unless the industry puts a pg or g label on them.  All of these things we can and can't do and all of these things we should and shouldn't do but not one word has been said about these dolls?
I tried to find a picture of this doll to post here for you but so far I haven't been able to find it again.  I will keep looking and post it as soon as I find it!
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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Illegal Immigration and English

So now President Bush wants to help the illegal immigrants "assimilate" into the U.S. by making sure they learn English and U.S. History.  Well isn't that nice? 
It sounds nice, but then I remembered a time when I lived overseas.  The country I was in didn't have any programs to help me assimilate.  If I wanted to live there I had to take it upon myself to learn the language and customs.  Guess what?  That is exactly what I did! 
I don't understand why Bush is so set on changing things.  I understand that illegal immigrants are coming in everyday in droves and a lot are staying and most aren't paying taxes etc.  What happened to our laws and justice system though?  Why exactly aren't we actively picking up the illegals and sending them home? 
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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Illegal Immigration and our welfare system

One of my biggest pet peeves today is that you don't have to be a citizen to take advantage of our welfare system. I don't understand how this can be.
Why do we allow this to happen and how do we change it? Where and how does it even begin to make sense?
I don't want anyone to go hungry or not have medical care but the citizens of our country should be the first people who are taken care of.
We have an incredible amount of people in the United States who have no health care. They pay their taxes and work hard everyday but they are not allowed to use our health care system, yet we will let people come over who are not citizens, who have never paid a dime in taxes and who are not working or who are working under the table have free health care?
The part that really bugs me about this is that I personally know of one family here. The head of the family is an illegal immigrant and works under the table. He makes almost three times what my husband makes yet because it is under the table he doesn't report it to health and welfare. Therefore his family gets food stamps, medical care, etc.
He makes more money than we do by himself, his wife also works. We make amount $100 too much a month to qualify for medicaid and even CHIP..
Where is the Justice?

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