Illegal Immigration and our welfare system
One of my biggest pet peeves today is that you don't have to be a citizen to take advantage of our welfare system. I don't understand how this can be. Why do we allow this to happen and how do we change it? Where and how does it even begin to make sense? I don't want anyone to go hungry or not have medical care but the citizens of our country should be the first people who are taken care of. We have an incredible amount of people in the United States who have no health care. They pay their taxes and work hard everyday but they are not allowed to use our health care system, yet we will let people come over who are not citizens, who have never paid a dime in taxes and who are not working or who are working under the table have free health care? The part that really bugs me about this is that I personally know of one family here. The head of the family is an illegal immigrant and works under the table. He makes almost three times what my husband makes yet because it is under the table he doesn't report it to health and welfare. Therefore his family gets food stamps, medical care, etc. He makes more money than we do by himself, his wife also works. We make amount $100 too much a month to qualify for medicaid and even CHIP.. Where is the Justice? Free information on government grants, auctions, lost money and more! Don’t pay for this information! Powered By Qumana |
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