From the Idaho Health and Welfare Application for Benefits:

Do I Have to Be a Citizen?

No. Please do not let fear of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) keep you from seeking needed benefits for your family. Receiving health coverage, Food Stamps, and child care for your eligible children will not prevent you from gaining lawful, permanent residence or U.S. citizenship, or from sponsoring relatives, if you can support them....

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Parenting and society

I was just listening to the news and now the media is all upset that a major coffee chain will start offering fruit drinks.  The fruit drinks don't contain any caffeine.  This is a problem?  Well the problem seems to be that this coffee chain is trying to create "cradle to grave" customer loyalty.  Well duh!  The coffee chain won't admit to this strategy.  Oh give me a break!  So if I open a little mom and pop store and offer everything from candy to beer Im doing something wrong?
The flip side of the coin is that maybe everyone is worried we will be raising a generation of caffeine addicts and the coffee chain is doing the same thing that the big tobacco companies did. 
Okay here is where I chime in.  At what point did parents quit taking blame for these things?  Why is it the fast food joints problem that parents don't cook healthy meals anymore?  Why is it the coffee chains fault if kids are addicted to caffeine?  Why is it the tobacco companies fault that a kid starts smoking?
It's just crazy.  If a parent doesn't want their kid to be overweight they don't take them to eat at fast food places three times a week.  If they don't want them smoking they talk to them and lecture them and supervise them until they hate us.  If we don't want them being addicted to caffeine we limit their intake. 
It's no wonder some parents are so lax these days.  We always have someone else to blame. 

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