From the Idaho Health and Welfare Application for Benefits:

Do I Have to Be a Citizen?

No. Please do not let fear of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) keep you from seeking needed benefits for your family. Receiving health coverage, Food Stamps, and child care for your eligible children will not prevent you from gaining lawful, permanent residence or U.S. citizenship, or from sponsoring relatives, if you can support them....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Illegal immigration and racism

I wanted to take a moment and share this article with you:

I have to agree.  Entitled?  She must be kidding.  No one is "entitled" to anything!


This reminded me of a gentleman who called in last night to a talk show.  He had heard the previous nights broadcast where the guest speaker said that if he were standing on the border and a lady with a baby came through and they were both hungry and cold he would give them some food and send them back across the border.  The caller felt that the guest speaker was racist.  Much like the lady in the above story.  Race is not the issue here.  I don't believe it would matter to us in the United States if illegal immigrants were Irish or Portugese.  If there are billions of illegal immigrants of any race they are going to get the brunt of the blame.  In our case the majority of illegal immigrants are from Mexico, simply because it is right there. 

If we had 6 billion illegal immigrants from Ireland I guarantee we would be up in arms about the Irish too. 

Entitled.. I don't think so. 


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No Blogging in India

Considering that America is a Country of freedoms, education and knowledge I am always amazed to find out the things that we don't know.

For instance did you know that last week India blocked from the internet?  How amazing is that?

I just happened to run across a blog that was talking about it because the Author lives in India.  I couldn't really believe it but I clicked on a link to another blog and there it was again along with the article:

This got me to thinking, I remember reading about something that I think most people were aware of.   China wanting Google to set up the internet so that only the sites they say can be viewed can be viewed.  I thought this was the most incredible thing when I read about it.   Can you even imagine living under that kind of cencorship?  We can search on the term "censorship" for instance and the seach engines would probably return all kinds of varying viewpoints.  If you live in China the only viewpoint you will see is that of the Chinese govt. 

It is very sad in a way.   Shouldn't we ALL as people in general have as much information available to us as WE want?


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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Parental Notification

Tuesday will have us all up in arms over parental notification laws once again.  Abortion is a hot topic regardless of your affiliation but this takes it even a step further for most. 
Do parents have a right to know if there daughter is seeking abortion  or do we need to protect troubled girls from abusive parents and make sure they can get an abortion?
I want to know.  If my daughter is in the emergency room and needs help she might not get it if they don't ask me first.  If we are going to decide that a 14 year old girl can go on her own and get an abortion we need to change a lot of other laws as well. 
A 12-14 year old girl really doesn't understand the ramifications of something as huge as an abortion.  In most cases neither does an older teenager for that matter.  They are only thinking about being scared and getting into trouble and possibly facing some embaressment.   They aren't thinking about how they will feel afterwards and for the rest of their lives.  They aren't thinking.
Abortion shouldn't be used as birth control and by making sure that a girl can get an abortion without telling her parents the chances arise that it will be used as birth control.  Girls won't need to feel afraid of becoming pregnant.  If there is no fear there is no need to worry about using condoms, etc.
So what about the girls who are going to get into serious trouble at home?  The girls who may end up being abused because they got pregnant?  Those girls probably shouldn't be in those homes anyway.  If the parents are that abusive we need to make sure that all kids have the information they need to get help.  Instead of making it easy to get an abortion let's make it easy to get counseling and help and make a pledge that if those girls come forward we will get them out of those situations.



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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sexual crimes

Unbelievable!  I just found out that a man who was convicted of sexually abusing children, not just one but multiple times in another County has just been released in our City.  At the mens shelter downtown. 

Here is the deal, he was convicted 15 years ago when he was 70.  This means he is now 85.  Now if he wasn't too old to harm children then what makes now any different?

To top it all off they admitted that if he was left free he would commit these crimes against children again.  His defense to begin with was that the children initiated the sexual contact!

So tell me, why is this guy running around my town?  Why is he living downtown where tons of kids hang out and where we have schools full of kids? 

What is wrong with this picture?


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Work ethics

Entitlement.  That's what so many people these days feel.  I was reading an article at the other day and it got me to thinking.   There were a number of articles actually but they all tied in together in this respect.  Why do so many people these days feel as if something is owed to them?  What ever happened to good old fashioned work ethics.  Having been a manager I've seen this first hand.  During an interview an applicant actually asked once, "what will this company do for me?".  Shouldn't the question have been "What can I do for your company?"

The author at The Voice felt it was because people don't appreciate their Country anymore.  They don't really understand what others have died for and why they died for it. 

In some respects I can agree with that.  I think more importantly it is that we have become spoiled.  I remember having nothing and if I wanted anything I had to work for it.  I have raised my children pretty much to be the same way but they still have been somewhat spoiled.  What happened to kids going out and working alongside their parents in whatever business that was?  Kids used to get up in the morning, help milk the cow, gather eggs, do chores and then go out and help in the fields.  They knew they were expected to help out and there wasn't any whining.  Well okay, maybe a little.  Try to get a kid today to clean their room or help with the dishes!  They would rather go and have a tooth pulled! 

Kids used to be raised with a good work ethic and they carried that over into their adult lives and jobs.  We need to get back to that.  We aren't entitled to anything.



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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Private Label beer is a neccessity?

If you don't believe me, just read this:


I shouldn't be surprised, but beer?  Come on!  Laptops that have disappeared, an $8,000 plasma television, yep, $8,000! Tens of thousands spent on "training" at luxurious golf courses, (where do I sign up for that one!) and the Secret Service got Ipods..

All this from money that was supposed to be spent on helping the victims of Katrina.. 

Did the victims get their houses rebuilt?  Did they get food and support? 

There are still many families suffering but the Secret Service has music!



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Monday, July 17, 2006

Stem Cell research

What am I missing here?  Stem Cell research is supposedly pretty important and can help make a lot of advances in the medical field.  Over and over it gets shot down because so many people feel it can only happen if we extract the stem cells from aborted babies.  Now I have always understood that the extraction can come from umbilical cords and I also thought I heard once that it could even come from bone marrow.  (I could be misremembering the last one).
Why do we have to make it so difficult.  Why can't we pass a bill that allows parents to donate the umbilical cords for research and leave abortion out of it.  The bill can state that no part of an aborted fetus can be used for stem cell research.  I would have gladly donated the placenta and umbilical cords from my births to be put to medical research if the opportunity had been there. 
If Im wrong here someone please correct me!

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Foster Care

This past week we had some bad news in my area.  Four kids were removed from their home and placed into foster care.  The reasons they were removed from the home have not been released yet but we have heard everything from a messy home to drug paraphenilia being found.  Whatever the reasons, once they were removed there were relatives who offered to take them in.  The relatives were turned down and they were placed with a strange family in foster care.  Two days later, the littlest one, a three year old was found drowned in the pool by the other children.  What the heck!?  Were was this "great" and "responsible" family?  Now I am a mom.  I know you can't watch your kids every second of everyday but I just can't imagine a four year old being out of my sight for so long that I wouldn't have been the one to find him.  This is the second drowning of a foster kid in just a couple of months.   If you are going to take my kids because my house is messy you better darn well make sure the family you are putting them with can take care of them.  What is worse?  A messy house or parents who don't know where the child is?  Did they expect that the older kids were keeping an eye on him?  Whatever the reasons when you look back at all the horrible things we have heard about foster care, the little girl in Florida who died because health and welfare didn't know where she was, the drowings, the kids in the cages, the kids crammed into one bedroom with dirty mattresses etc, we must fix the foster care system.  Remember, kids can't speak for themselves.  As responsible adults it is OUR duty to take a stand and demand that our kids are kept safe.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Colorado passes illegal immigration bills

Yea for the state of Colorado!  They just passed a bill that would make people PROVE they are legal citizens if they are over the age of 18 and wanting to sign up for assistance!  I am SO very impressed!  This is a great step forward and Im sure it took a lot of effort to get this bill passed.  I sure hope the rest of the country looks at this and follows suit!


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Friday, July 07, 2006

Father poisons kids soup

This definately goes back to yesterdays post and a couple others in some ways.  A man was accused of poisoning his childrens soup in a scheme to sue Campbell Soup company.
Can you imagine doing such a thing?  I certainly hope not.  It takes a pretty sick mind to not only think of something like this but to carry it out as well.  The father faces up to 75 years in prison.  Will he get it?  If he did this to those little kids I sure hope so!  Here I thought the mouse in the soup was a bad thing...

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mouse in Soup

Carla Patterson, 38, and her 22-year-old son, Ricky Patterson, tried to sue Cracker Barrel for $500,000  after claiming they found a mouse in the vegetable soup the woman ordered at a Newport News restaurant on Mother's Day weekend in 2004.  Yesterday a judge imposed a one year jail sentence and a $2500 fine.  Carla cried during the sentencing.  
Now why on earth should she be crying?  She plans to appeal but tests showed that the mouse was not cooked and had not drowned.  He had skull fractures.  The conclusion based on the evidence is that the mouse was hit over the head and added to the soup. 
Two things here.  First Carla Patterson does plan to appeal.  If she truly is innocent that means someone else added the mouse to the soup.  Maybe she had infuriated the cook or the waiter? 
Second, if she isn't innocent, then that means she was truly trying to run a scam.  Remember the finger in the Wendys Chili? 
Third, okay three things, if she is innocent why on earth would she try to sue the restaraunt?  This is the part of our society I don't understand.  No is ever allowed to make a mistake any more.  Will we be suing because we find a hair in our pudding?  With dna testing we can come to some conclusion about who the hair belonged to.  Obviously the management should have ensured that their employees were wearing hair nets and/or shaving their heads!   
See the whole story here:  Woman Jailed for Mouse in Soup Scam

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