From the Idaho Health and Welfare Application for Benefits:

Do I Have to Be a Citizen?

No. Please do not let fear of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) keep you from seeking needed benefits for your family. Receiving health coverage, Food Stamps, and child care for your eligible children will not prevent you from gaining lawful, permanent residence or U.S. citizenship, or from sponsoring relatives, if you can support them....

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Black Budget

I first heard about the "black budget" last night while listening to a radio show.  I only caught parts and pieces but it was interesting enough that I decided to look into it some more today.  Turns out that it's pretty old news but no one has ever done anything about it. 
It is fascinating enough that I wanted to share it with you and find out what you think.  Is it true or just rumor and speculation?

December 8, 2004

They've Got a Secret

Inside the $40 Billion Black Budget for Spying


Various news media have been bandying around the figure $25 billion to characterize the size of the U.S. intelligence budget while reporting on the tempest in a teacup concerning the reorganizing the upper hierarchy of control over that vast spy apparatus.

Read the the whole and complete article here




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