From the Idaho Health and Welfare Application for Benefits:

Do I Have to Be a Citizen?

No. Please do not let fear of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) keep you from seeking needed benefits for your family. Receiving health coverage, Food Stamps, and child care for your eligible children will not prevent you from gaining lawful, permanent residence or U.S. citizenship, or from sponsoring relatives, if you can support them....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sexual crimes

Unbelievable!  I just found out that a man who was convicted of sexually abusing children, not just one but multiple times in another County has just been released in our City.  At the mens shelter downtown. 

Here is the deal, he was convicted 15 years ago when he was 70.  This means he is now 85.  Now if he wasn't too old to harm children then what makes now any different?

To top it all off they admitted that if he was left free he would commit these crimes against children again.  His defense to begin with was that the children initiated the sexual contact!

So tell me, why is this guy running around my town?  Why is he living downtown where tons of kids hang out and where we have schools full of kids? 

What is wrong with this picture?


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