Stem Cell research
What am I missing here? Stem Cell research is supposedly pretty important and can help make a lot of advances in the medical field. Over and over it gets shot down because so many people feel it can only happen if we extract the stem cells from aborted babies. Now I have always understood that the extraction can come from umbilical cords and I also thought I heard once that it could even come from bone marrow. (I could be misremembering the last one). Why do we have to make it so difficult. Why can't we pass a bill that allows parents to donate the umbilical cords for research and leave abortion out of it. The bill can state that no part of an aborted fetus can be used for stem cell research. I would have gladly donated the placenta and umbilical cords from my births to be put to medical research if the opportunity had been there. If Im wrong here someone please correct me! Powered By Qumana |
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