No Blogging in India
Considering that America is a Country of freedoms, education and knowledge I am always amazed to find out the things that we don't know. For instance did you know that last week India blocked from the internet? How amazing is that? I just happened to run across a blog that was talking about it because the Author lives in India. I couldn't really believe it but I clicked on a link to another blog and there it was again along with the article: This got me to thinking, I remember reading about something that I think most people were aware of. China wanting Google to set up the internet so that only the sites they say can be viewed can be viewed. I thought this was the most incredible thing when I read about it. Can you even imagine living under that kind of cencorship? We can search on the term "censorship" for instance and the seach engines would probably return all kinds of varying viewpoints. If you live in China the only viewpoint you will see is that of the Chinese govt. It is very sad in a way. Shouldn't we ALL as people in general have as much information available to us as WE want?
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