Illegal immigration and racism
I wanted to take a moment and share this article with you: I have to agree. Entitled? She must be kidding. No one is "entitled" to anything!
This reminded me of a gentleman who called in last night to a talk show. He had heard the previous nights broadcast where the guest speaker said that if he were standing on the border and a lady with a baby came through and they were both hungry and cold he would give them some food and send them back across the border. The caller felt that the guest speaker was racist. Much like the lady in the above story. Race is not the issue here. I don't believe it would matter to us in the United States if illegal immigrants were Irish or Portugese. If there are billions of illegal immigrants of any race they are going to get the brunt of the blame. In our case the majority of illegal immigrants are from Mexico, simply because it is right there. If we had 6 billion illegal immigrants from Ireland I guarantee we would be up in arms about the Irish too. Entitled.. I don't think so.
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